Rotterdam (NL)

6. August 2011: Gauchos Grill Restaurant
Eating Dutch dishes is one thing – and not necessarily a bad thing, but to be frank, in my personal opinion, Argentinian food is just somewhat more appealing – and the Gauchos Grill Restaurant absolutely confirmed my opinion. The meat is just A DREAM! But more about that later. To have some bread before starting […]

6. August 2011: Grandcafé Restaurant Biblio
According to my local guide “bitterballe” is a pretty typical Dutch dish – and I was wondering what bitterballe are – although it does not sound appealing to have something like “bitter balls”, but well, one wants to try new things in life. In any case, we ended up having a portion of bitterballe (8 […]

6. August 2011: Grand Café Prachtig
The really great and interesting part of the Grand Café Prachtig is the location. It is located right next to the Erasmusbrug and is, therefore, somewhat inviting because it is located on a bit a lower level so you don’t get bothered by the traffic but on the other hand have the nice view on […]