Hiroshima (JP)

Just breakfast – to be eaten in a tiny setting: Breakfast Room @ Hotel Kuretakeso Hiroshima Otemachi (16. March 2020)
When you stay at the Kuretakeso hotel you have a small place which is nice and functional. However, don’t bring a large suitcase as you won’t find any space to properly store it (unless you put it onto the bed). If you get up early enough (breakfast closes at 10:00am), you can pick from a […]

My first yakitori experience – and I liked it: Restaurant Yakitori No Meimon Akiyoshi (15. March 2020)
Yakitori is a Japanese way of preparing food where you order food on sticks which are then prepared for you and brought to you to eat off that stick. I decided to give the whole range of things a try and went for “beef tongue” (425 Yen) to start with which was actually quite tasty. […]

Tasty deep fried chicken in a place you wouldn’t expect to find it: Restaurant Zipang (15. March 2020)
When you are on Miyajima island, there are quite a few restaurants around but not that many are rated good respectively look like they are worth trying. The Zipang (which I only found out later that it’s called that way) was one which serves nice dishes. I went for the “deep fried chicken set” (880 […]

Truly amazing local food – Okonomiyaki is a must try: Restaurant Okonomiyaki Nagata-ya (14. March 2020)
Hiroshima is an impressive city and you should definitely visit the Peace Memorial Park and the A Bomb Dome which both of kind you make you melancholic and give you an impression of what the Atomic bomb actually did. A remote one, a weak one, but at least a better one than when you just […]