Den Haag (NL)

7. August 2011: Het Pannekoekenhuisje
Again I was tought that there is another – this time sweet – typical Dutch dish called Poffertjes. Basically, it’s little pancakes with a lot of sugar powder and some kind of “topping”. I went for the Poffertjes “paysan boys” (which were raysins in booze). 20 pieces cost EUR 11.00. They look cute and they […]

7. August 2011: Restaurant Simonis aan Zee
Although my host does not like fish she recommended me to try this – apparently – typical Dutch dish called “herring” (with something, but I got issues with remembering the Dutch words). In any case, it is pretty much smoked herring with onions – and after you’re done, you have a pickle so the taste […]